Valentime Dating Scam

Valentines Dating Site

Woman says she lost $1M+ in dating scam 03:43. Just in time for Valentine's Day, the FBI is warning of online dating scams. The bureau received more than 15,000 reports linked to romance scams. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned Americans to be on the lookout for cyber-based romance scams. The Richmond, Virginia, branch of the FBI said criminals used the most romantic day of the year as an opportunity to con victims out of their hard-earned cash or personal data. As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air — and romance scams are apparently everywhere. According to the FTC, the reports of these online scams have nearly tripled in the past years, and in 2019 alone victims lost around $201 million from being swindled by their cyber sweetheart. This just grazes the surface of online dating scam statistics. If you need help in finding your significant other, use Valentime. It site was created in 1999, and since then it has become rather popular and shown itself as an effective dating venue with the 2.4M members last year. Approximately 35K of girls are online, and considering the gender mix (27%/73% women to men) it is a beneficial platform to try.
Valentime Dating Review
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Valentine’s Day is approaching, and authorities are warning South Carolinians to be aware of online romance scams. Utilizing social apps has changed the landscape.
Valentine Dating Scam
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