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Dating online can be fun and exciting, not only for you but for online scammers as well. For the past decade, we have witnessed an influx of romance scams. Online dating sites are the playground for identity thieves, hackers, and several other nasty peoples. According to the FBI, there are some typical signs to identify such scams and protect yourself from getting duped.
FBI claims there has been a substantial increase in older victims becoming the target of online scammers. They often get duped of identity thefts, money laundering, and in worst cases, they are turned into unwitting “money mules.”
LoveAwake is a somewhat new online dating site, wherein everyone van registered for free. Thousands of single men and women have registered to look for a. is a fast-growing dating and matchmaking site designed by Slava. You can join for free by inputting your location, date of birth, user name, and email address. Then you can search for potential matches by a variety of key facets, including appearance, marital status, and religion. You can send a message to anyone who catches your.
Most online daters worry a lot about their first date with potential matches. However, your main worries should be more about the scammer who refuses to meet you, even after repeated attempts.
These online fraudsters are exceptionally talented when it comes to conning you for love and money. Thankfully, all of them follow a typical pattern. With just a cautious mind, you can identify these red flags and save yourself from getting duped.
Online Security Tips to keep scammers at bay:
Stalk them on social media:
Yes, you read it right. We are urging you to stalk the person you meet online and seems like a good match. Most scammers either don’t have a social media presence, or they have a pretty basic profile. Social media can help you find some obvious red flags.
Some tips for identifying such profiles are:
- They either have no or more than one social media profile.
- They have a very low friend count.
- Most of their photos online are model-like shots, and no activity related photos.
- The profiles lack pictures of their friends or family members.
- There are no tags on the pictures for any of their friends.

To keep your dignity intact, make sure you don’t become too creepy. Though snooping on someone’s social media accounts sounds outright sinister, it can save you from scams. This minor offensive step can actually be your best defense.
Make Google your best Friend:
Searching on Google has become a verb altogether. Googling is a common phenomenon these days, and people prefer searching for everything on Google. Just a simple knowledge of this search engine can help you from getting duped.
- Google image search: With Google reverse image search, you can search anyone’s image from the person’s profile. If the results of your search show up images mentioning it belongs to people with different names and residing in separate locations, you may have good reason to suspect them.
- Search for similar profile bio: It is typical behavior of a scammer to have the same profile bio in all their accounts. There can be many grammatical errors. Usually, scammers are from countries where English is not their main language. So, major grammatical errors always ring some warning bells.

Look for Red Flags:
As mentioned, there are some obvious red flags, which many people miss. Always keep an open eye and attitude to pick these subtle signs.
- Beware if an individual seems too good to be true. Do check them online.
- Beware if the individual persuades you to leave dating service and communicate directly through chatting apps of personal numbers.
- Beware if the individual always evades meeting in person. Even if they agree, they will make excuses to cancel them over and over again.
- Beware if the individual tries to isolate you from your loved ones and persuades you that everybody is against you, and he/she is the only person you should trust.
- Beware if they confess their love for you too quickly, even before you meet them in person.
Keep a balanced mindset and protect your private information:
Online scammers are nothing but con artists. They are masters of deception. They know the exact ways to manipulate you and bring them into their narrative of life in general.
It’s easy for anyone to get fooled into thinking that you may have an intimate relationship with your online match. When you are constantly texting and talking to a person throughout the day, it’s obvious to feel a natural attraction to the other person.
However, while all this conversation is happening, you need to have a closer look. Ask yourself below questions:
Are you in constant touch with this person?
Why are they not ready to come face-to-face?
Are you prepared to get so much emotionally involved with a person who is not ready to come out of this phantomized image?
Don’t fool yourself thinking into you have an intimate relationship because you are connected online. Dating platforms like Dating Blush have some great advice in this regard. You must always approach online dates practically. Always refrain from getting emotionally invested in a person before you met them for real. Romance scammers know how to convince and manipulate you.
Don’t get money involved:
Never send money to anyone you have only communicated with online or by phone, this is just basic. Isn’t it? If your online prospect gives you a sob story or a convincing story that they need some financial help on an urgent basis, don’t fall into that trap.
Even if you want to help, do it the right way. If they claim they are U.S. citizens stuck in foreign locations and need funds, refer them to their local U.S. Embassy. If you still want to send money, do it via the U.S. Department of State Office of Overseas Citizens Services (OCS) Trust. Always refrain yourself from transferring funds from your personal bank account.
Once you send money, you will be a cash cow for life. It’s always ok to say, “No.” If their love or affection is genuine for you, then they will stick around- with money or no money.
Final thoughts
Meeting your online date is a crucial milestone. We recommend if you are staying in the city, it must happen within the first week. If they are in a separate city or country, at least have a virtual face-to-face interaction. There is no dearth of video chatting apps these days, which is making them avoid it.
Moreover, listen to your gut. Your instincts never deceive you. If you feel something is not right, leave it then and there. You can take the help of a friend or someone from a family who can give you a third-person perspective on your situation and an online relationship. That’s the best you could do when you have any doubt.
Accidentally approaching a girl who already has a boyfriend can be easily done. Knowing how to get a girl who has a boyfriend isn’t always so easy 🙂
Picture this: You just happen to notice her form across the bar, walk up to her and start chatting away. You start thinking the two of you have made this connection when she says, “I have a boyfriend!”
Let’s be honest here. If a girl is attractive enough, then there would be a high chance that she is already has a boyfriend. At this point, some guys would think it would be more wise to move on: why try and pursue someone who is already happy right? However, there are also some guys out there who have difficulty getting that particular girl out of their head.

Whenever someone asks me this question, I simply reply with one question back. What is it about her that makes you attracted to her? You should ask yourself this question before you even start thinking about pursuing her. Is it because there is something about her personality that you find intriguing? Or is it just because she’s already has a boyfriend it makes it more exciting for you?
If it is because of the thrill-factor, then it would be best to leave her alone and move on. It just makes you look devious and underhanded to a lot of women and it would just appear you’re just looking to ruin her relationship and looking for trouble. If it’s because of her personality the best attitude to have is not to go about breaking them up, but rather take it upon yourself to convince her that she would be a lot happier with you.
But how do you that?
This ain’t an article about break up advice, but instead tips on how to get a girl who has a boyfriend that don’t involve you having to deal with the relationship break up if you are successful. You don’t want to try and get her to break up with him with sneaky underhand tactics. Instead you want to prove that you are a better guy and would therefore be a better person to go out with. If you achieve this she will break up with him naturally:
Have conversations with her
This one always sounds easy enough to do, yet so many guys tend to get it wrong. Whilst you are talking to her, the first thing you need to do is to see whether you and her have anything in common. If you do want to flirt with her, make sure it is very subtle. At this stage, you wouldn’t want to be mistaken for a player otherwise she would lose interest. Fast forward to the future now: after a series of conversations together, you need to be able to build a connection and trust.
There are two ways of going about this. You can either steadily steer the conversations towards her relationship and (more importantly) the problems with it until she feels comfortable confiding in you. Or you can talk about your previous experiences with her. By doing this, you appear open and honest about your past as well as making her feel relaxed about talking to you about her relationship.
What’s her ideal guy?
Once you’re able to have conversations with her about her relationship, you now need to find out what qualities and values she is attracted to in a guy. Ask yourself questions like does she prefer a guy who is intelligent? Is she attracted to a guy who has a good sense of humour? What qualities doesn’t she like in a guy? The reason why this is so important is because you’ll have to prove to her that you can be that guy.
You would also need to think of ideas and scenarios that can let you show her these qualities. Whether that is by making her laugh when she is having a bad day, or by doing activities together to show off your fun and spontaneous side to your personality. It is important as well to make sure that both of your values/qualities are compatible. This makes it that little bit easier for the pair of you to know that you are going in the right direction, without any misunderstanding.
Remember she’s in a relationship
If you do want to spend some time with her, you need to make is clear to her that you’re asking her to go out as friends. She would feel a little uncomfortable if she assumed it was a date. Talk about the female friends in your life. She will be left feeling curious about you; and it shows her you have qualities that are attractive to other women.
Be like her boyfriend, but different.
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This has to be the golden rule when getting a girl who already has a boyfriend. Aim to become the upgrade she wants to have. Don’t make the mistake of comparing yourself to her boyfriend. Follow the principles taught here and you will be more attractive, and a ‘better choice’ naturally.
What to do when her relationship is struggling
With everything else in life, relationships have their fair share of disappointments as well as their enjoyments. If you start to notice that she is going through some tough times in her relationship, the best thing to do is either invite her round to your place or somewhere close by. This gives her time away from the boyfriend as well as the relationship to breathe and time to think the situation through properly. Don’t talk about her boyfriend, instead focus on having an amazing time together. This will make her realise what she could have.
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So the big question to ask yourself is this…
Loveawake Argentina
Next time you come across a girl who already has a boyfriend, would you want to pursue her or would you rather move on from the experience and spend your time with other women that are single? Least you know how to get a girl who has a boyfriend, so you can make an informed decision.